3D rotating headphones.




Ready for something else? Kaze is a new, direct-to-artist audio streaming platform that rethinks the way fans connect with musicians. Skip the labels & distributors and access music on your own terms.

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For Listeners

Connect with artists

Get exclusive content, early access to new releases, and more through direct-to-artist subscriptions,

Support the artists that you choose, rather than the most popular.

Own-as-you-go: Get downloads and other perks for music releases from the artists you support.

For Artists

Audio On Your Terms

Get paid directly in a way that prioritizes your fanbase over your streams.

Foster your community with Kaze's unique set of features.

Engage your most devoted fans with unique content delivery & engagement they can’t find anywhere else.

Ready For

A breath Of

Fresh Air?

Join Kaze and help create an equitable future for artists.